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۰۹۱۳۱۸۸۵۲۶۹ arezooaghaie2001@yahoo.com تایم کاری : شنبه تا پنج شنبه اصفهان

From inside the Sardinia, the volume out of remarriage will be partly told me by women’s lay regarding the island’s societal and economic lifetime

From inside the Sardinia, the volume out of remarriage will be partly told me by women’s lay regarding the island’s societal and economic lifetime

1H istorical study for the widowhood and remarriage within the Italy try fragmentary, and historical demographers keeps had a tendency to work at death and you may virility rather than wedding. Yet widowhood and you can reics which might be influenced by new social formations in addition to respective ranking of men and women within the area. Getting started using this observation, Stanislao Mazzoni , Marco Breschi , Massimo Esposito and you will Lucia Pozzi evaluate brand new Sardinian ics away from widow and you will widower remarriage in particular. As a result of in depth research of one’s parish and you can civil reports of your city of Alghero, the latest experts reconstitute wedding manner in the last half of your own 19th century together with very first one-fourth of the twentieth-century, at the same time whenever membership out of marriage ceremonies try disturbed by battle anywhere between Church and you can county. Using a micro-personal, longitudinal approach, the new article authors let you know the main attributes regarding remarriage toward island.

2The area off Sardinia stands for an exceptionally interesting site towards study of wedding conduct since feminine played a really important character into the Sardinian neighborhood in comparison to most other Italian nations. Feminine was indeed the fresh new resource part for the entire household members, and since of their essential and you can acknowledged part, these were will included in the inheritance system (Da Lso are, 1990; Murru Corriga, 1990; Oppo, 1990, 1993).

The latter is actually a close completely unexplored occurrence to the isle, as well as in the complete off south Italy

3The island area is described as a special relationship program in order to that found in extremely parts of Italy. As soon as the fresh Highest Dark ages, marriage on area are celebrated towards people possessions regimen (Di Tucci, 1928). Wedding try recognized as Sardinian (good sa sardisca), and thus the latest Sardinian means, in lieu of Pisan relationships (an effective sa pisanisca), the average way of the Tuscan city together with rest of Italy. New couple’s mutual assets were made up just of the point anything they’d for each and every taken to the entales in addition to by everything that the couple was able to collect after marriage, which was titled https://lovingwomen.org/no/blog/postordrebrud-nettsteder/ comporus.

4Both kind of assets were usually regarded as the house off the couple and you may was indeed divided similarly between your students (such as the female) while the widowed partner during succession (Miscali, 2008). Just after Italian unification, and with the regarding brand new Civil Password (1865), there had been no high changes on Sardinian general photo nor so you can matrimonial lifestyle. The majority of Sardinian spouses acknowledged a great secular heritage and they observed brand new algorithm:

6Given the fresh new peculiarities and you can differences one separate Sardinia about people of the country, this particular area stands for an appealing function towards examination of nuptial personality, and in particular out-of remarriage, from inside the historical context.

7This analysis focuses on the community off Alghero, an urban area for the northern-west coast from Sardinia, regarding the decades following national unification before the basic many years of the brand new twentieth-century. We embrace a longitudinal means considering an intricate private dataset because of new combination out of municipal and religious supplies. The principal point would be to pick this new socio-demographic properties of widows and you may widowers also to observe directly and therefore private and contextual characteristics added them to reconstruct their loved ones once losing its first spouse.

Regarding medieval moments, female normally got an energetic part inside the family relations behavior, like the handling of financial tips, and in addition they managed relationship within nearest and dearest and neighborhood

8In the original section of this information i briefly talk about the principal conclusions of literature towards the remarriage inside Italy and determine a number of the specificities of one’s Sardinian relationships design regarding the previous. Another part gift suggestions town from Alghero together with sources used in this research. On final section, the outcomes of a few analytical modelling try discussed.

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